10 Safety Tips for Barleycove Beach

Here are 10 safety tips for swimming at Barleycove Beach.

  1. Check the weather and ocean conditions before you go swimming. Avoid swimming in rough or stormy conditions, as these can be dangerous.
  2. Swim near a lifeguard. If there is a lifeguard on duty, swim within their designated area and follow their instructions.
  3. Never swim alone. It’s always a good idea to have a buddy with you when you go swimming, in case you need help.
  4. Wear a life jacket if you are not a strong swimmer. A life jacket can help keep you afloat if you get into trouble in the water.
  5. Be aware of rip currents. Rip currents are powerful channels of water that can pull swimmers out to sea. If you get caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore until you escape the current, then swim back to shore.
  6. Watch out for hazards. Avoid swimming near rocks, piers, or other structures, as these can be dangerous.
  7. Be cautious of marine life. Stay away from schools of fish, jellyfish, and other marine animals, as they can be unpredictable and potentially harmful.
  8. Use sunscreen. The sun’s rays can be strong at the beach, so be sure to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from burning.
  9. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration.
  10. Don’t overestimate your abilities. Only swim within your limits, and if you feel tired or uncomfortable, get out of the water. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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